first of all Mommy nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...maaf zahir dan batin...
Raya nih we travelled byk tempat n lama jauh dari rumah...pastu bekalan CD pun tak terpaksa tiap kali singgah bermalam rumah org tua di kg sampai2 je terus wat washing...pastu gantung dalam umah mcm ala2 umah setinggan indon pun ada gak bergantung CD sana sini...hehe...bukannye ape sidai dalam umah sbb dua tiga hari time tu cuaca hujan mendung je...confirm time mandi Mommy bertambah la minitnye hehe sampai kena tegur..."aik lamanya awak mandi...cuci toilet ke"...hahah takde keje Mommy nak cuci toilet....we r in raya mood la takkan nak cuci toilet keh keh keh...RAYA = baru betul!!!
from my experience past one week nih...basuh CD ngan tangan confirm lambat kering n ada skit bau-bauan yg tertinggal...sbb ape...coz takleh wat double spin n also takleh sidai bawah matahari...bila sidai direct sunlight...matahari tu akan hapuskan bau2 yg tak menyenangkan tu selain hilangkan bad stain yg melekat yg takleh hilang walaupun dah important nye tuk sidai CD dgn pancaran sinar matahari utk jamin CD tu bersih dan takde bau selain membunuh bacteria...
pastu lak bila CD lambat kering n stock dah abis kelam kabut la keringkan...buka kipas kuat2 la...perah CD dgn tangan sampai naik melecet la palm nih la kan...nak seribu daya takmo seribu kena la berusaha...
so bila travel jauh n lama...bawak la hanger n penyepit supaya senang nak sidai CD2 tu...pastu bawak sabun basuh n dettol botol kecik...pastu kena bawak wet bag/ plactic bag yg byk tuk simpan CD yg tak sempat kering and CD busuk la kan time raya nih byk la berjalan gi umah sedara mara n takkan la gi umah diaorg kita dok sibuk mencuci simpan la dalam wetbag yg busuk2 tu...mmg satu pengalaman la bawak CD busuk kehulu kehilir...satu bag penuh ngan CD je...
oh ya lagi satu dari pemerhatian Mommy sendiri...insert Shinies amatlah cepat kering berbanding Coolababy...insert shinies ni quite tebal gak mcm Coolababy compare ngan babyland n QQbaby yg amat nipis dan tak best tu...tapi Shinies mmg cepat kering...baguskan..tak kiralah Mommy wat double spin or perah tgn mcm biasa je Shinies mmg confirm cepat kering...why??Mommy also dont know why...U try n see la whether its true or not...
How to use Pocket Cloth Diaper?
Mommy will show you how to use a Pocket Cloth diaper...its as easy as 1-2-3...even your baby can do it...hehe kalau dia dah besar la hehe
This is how it looks like before inserting the insert. Look out for the opening yah! different brands different styles.
Slide the absorbent insert into the pocket opening found on the back, upper portion of the pocket diaper.
Pulling with your hand, move the absorbent insert down into the body of the pocket diaper until it reaches the front end. The insert should be long enough to go from one edge of the pocket diaper to the other edge without any additional length hanging out; this ensures maximum absorption without any leakage. Make sure the insert are put flat!
Tadaaaa! Ur done and ready to put the CD on your baby...Simple kan??
Comel kan baby Ema with her pink CD...hehe...How to put the CD on your baby is the same like using disposable diapers...lay out the CD baby on top of the CD and secure the snaps...yeahooo done...pls make sure U adjust the snap buttons/velcro to ensure a good fit (not too tight or too loose) and comfortability of the baby is very important!
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