

Let's Debate :- 5 Reasons I Don't Do Cloth Diapers Mommy nak ajak kawan2 to debate in this topic..Mommy come across this while browsing through looking for answers for CDing...I've copied and paste here what this Lady has to say about CDing her children...

July 25, 2007 by
Julie Fletcher 

Why Using Cloth Diapers Just Didn't Work in a Large Family Or anything else cloth, for that matter.

1. Too much work with multiple children:

I have 3 kids who are all in varying stages of pottytraining. Trying to keep up before the entire house smells from the diapers is very hard. When they all go at once, it can drive a parent insane. I didn't only try this for a day or a week, this was for several months. I just didn't have
 the time nor inclination to use even more laundry soap for an extra load of soiled diapers each day.

2. Leaks:

I have several different types of cloth diapers. From All In Ones

3. Laundry:

By using cloth diapers I had much more laundry than usual. I normally don't wash clothing every time it is worn unless it is actually dirty. With the leaks, I had to wash: diapers, sheets, clothing, MY clothing more, Dad's more, and blankets. Not a good way to save money. My cost of doing laundry ran up the electric bill, gas bill, and water bill, along with the cost of laundry soaps and softners.

4. Rashes:

A lot of cloth diaper proponents say their children didn't have a rash at all with cloth diapers. I experienced the total opposite. My son's 'wee' turned red, along with his bum. The urine just wasn't being absorbed from his skin fast enough. I'm always changing a diaper, my kids don't sit in a big, lumpy, pee filled mess. For cloth diapers, I used vinegar as a rinse to remove all soap residue and did not use dryer sheets or softeners with the diapers.

5. Inconvienent:

With the leaks and having to add bags to carry home the wet, stinky diapers, using cloth on outings was just totally inconvienent. I ended up buying disposables to carry along with me, anyway.

For someone with the time and dedication, I don't condemn you for going back to the basics with diapers. But I know I won't be using cloth diapers or any other cloth item for bodily functions again unless I have to.